June 8 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, testifying before a congressional committee, refused to release or discuss memoranda that news reports say offered justification for torturing suspected terrorists. Two Democratic senators said Ashcroft's stance may constitute contempt of Congress, a federal crime.
"Orwell Rolls In His Grave"--a documentary. While "Fahrenheit 9/11" is getting far more publicity, this has great reviews too.
Lysenkoism taints U.S. scientific research: Scientific American.
The Republican Noise Machine: new book by David Brock. Will be curious to see if it covers the part of the machine that is inside government itself.
Two media organizations filed motions to quash subpoenas issued by a Patrick Fitzgerald, who is investigating the leak of Valerie Plame's identity.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has sharply limited the information he is willing to let Congress see on a controversial $23 billion deal for the Air Force to buy and lease 100 Boeing 767 aerial refueling tankers. Senators would have a window of 30 hours over five days to view the documents at a Pentagon facility and would be barred from copying them or taking notes, per Rumsfield. Senators McCain and Warner, both Republicans, object strongly.
Whistleblowing translator Sibel Edmonds seeks support as she prepares to fight Ashcroft's use of "State Secret Privilege" to quash 9/11 families' request for her testimony. Public asked to attend court hearing in D.C. on June 14.
And this is just a start.
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